Flossing Music Video
Song Choice
For the music video project, my group chose the song, Flossin, by Russel Horning. Commonly known as backpack kid. The song was produced by DJ Suede and was released in November 2017. The song is based around Backpack Kid's famous dance, called the Floss. It has a lighthearted and energetic theme.
During pre-production, we had to do the project sheet, lyric sheet, and storyboard. I did the storyboard while others did the project sheet and lyric sheet. When creating the storyboard, I had to sketch each shot and describe the shot type. The struggling began after pre-production. Our film schedule constantly fluctuated and someone always canceled last minute. Filming was very poorly planned. We were never able to finish filming sadly. While filming, I was an actor. I also helped Andrew plan the shot. As for post-production, most of the editing was done by Andrew.
My Role
For the most part, I was an actor for the video. I also helped here and there with other things like pre-production and filming.
What I Would Do Same/Differently
I wish my group had chosen a music video that centralized around one person so it wouldn't matter if someone couldn't make it to film.
In conclusion, it's very important to make sure you have an open schedule before agreeing to be an actor/actress in videos. If people keep canceling filming, it will affect everyone in the team.