For my e9 final, I was instructed to design a website with 2 pages about myself and at least 2 projects that I've created so far, this year. I had to have 1 project from first quarter and 1 project from second quarter. On the page about myself, I had to have an image of myself along with a description of what I'm good at. When I first started, I had barely any experience with web design or DreamWeaver. I had a slow start, because DreamWeaver wouldn't work for most of the first day. After that, it worked just fine. Once I finished the first page, I had to make a second page and a link to the second page in the sidebar. The second page featured 2 projects that I've created this year. Next, I created a color scheme. I decided that green and blue would look nice together, so I used different shades of the 2.
What I learned
As I said before, I knew nothing about DreamWeaver or web design when I first started. Along the way, I've learned quite a lot about web design. I learned how to create a web page, and add images and videos to that web page. I learned how to change the font and color of words, along with background colors. Lastly, I now know how to make a link to a second page. After gaining a basic understanding of DreamWeaver, I could probably create my own website without much help.
How I Did
I personally think I did a great job, for my first time tackling web design. There were many times where I was confused, but in the end I learned from my mistakes, so it worked out in the end. There are a few things I'd like to improve, though. The text feels too plain and the color scheme isn't very subtle. Something I do like about my website, is the neatness and organization of it. It doesn't feel too clumped and messy. The headings, subheadings, and labels aren't confusing, which is always important in a website.
In conclusion, I feel like this project has opened up new possibilities for me, in the future. If I ever need to create a website, now I can. The project definitely peaked my interest in web design; beforehand, I thought web design was too confusing, and it'd be really difficult to code. After using DreamWeaver, it no longer seems that way.